
Brands make companies stronger. We are here to help you to print your company logo, company name, or any message (to promote your brand) on packaging tape. Yes, you can customize packaging tape according to your choice. Customizing a tape is one of the most sought capabilities. We can customize all-sized packaging tape and water-activated kraft-reinforced tape with any color and any artwork.

Customers can provide the artwork to us as to what they want us to print what color of ink they want us to use and what tape background they need. Our Customization team will make the tape as per your requirements and then you can pack your material in box and label it with the customized tape. We can print on BOPP, PVC, and kraft-reinforced tape material. Also, we can flood coat the tape with any Pantone-Color and print the text/logo in up to 3 colors. We can also do PMS color matching in order to help you meet all the specifications for your custom-printed tape.

Customers can provide their artwork to us then our customization team will make 2-3 sample artworks for approval once we get approval from the customer. We will start customizing your tape.

Materials For Custom Printed Tape: -

1. Bopp

2. PVC

3. Water-activated Kraft Reinforced Tape


Types of inks we are using for customization: -

a. Water-based ink

b. Solvent-Based ink